Customs officers at the Ural Customs Office have reported discovering over 14 kg of counterfeit "luxury" bags and accessories belonging to a passenger arriving from Sharm el-Sheikh at Yekaterinburg airport. The suitcase carried by the 65-year-old tourist caught the attention of the inspectors at Koltsovo airport. The woman attempted to use the "green" corridor but was stopped. Upon inspection, the customs officers found more than 30 bags, backpacks, and wallets allegedly from the brand Dior in her luggage. Experts quickly determined that the accessories showed signs of counterfeiting.
The smuggler initially confessed to planning to sell the items at her husband's store in Turinsk, but then changed her statement, claiming she had brought the bags from Egypt as gifts for her relatives. According to the Customs Service of Koltsovo, the woman may face a fine of up to twice the value of the goods for violating customs legislation.